Math and Accounting Tutors

Female Home tutors near me in Lucknow

Contact us: 7007056769

We are providing Home tutor in Lucknow.

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Why Join us 

  • India’s leading one on one home and online learning platforms
  • We provide Home Tutors and online tuition classes within 30 minutes.
  • 250000+ satisfied students have been taken our service.
  • Best in providing Home Tuition, Online Tuition and tutoring jobs.
  • 50000+ verified and skilled teachers are associated with us.
  • Our tutors offer a free demo class at your home or online.


1) Home Tutors in Lucknow up to 12th Class

2) IIT JEE Home Tutors


Contact us:

Mob No: 7007056769


  • Personalized Dashboard – Students and Tutors get a well-equipped personalized dashboard.
  • Attendance Records – Parents can see the Attendance Records of their Kids & Tutors anytime.
  • Live Classes – Students and Tutors can interact with each other through Live Classes which can also be available as a recording.
  • Auto Recording – Auto Recording will help students if they miss the class due to a network issue because the platform starts recording the teacher’s video class automatically for further revision.
  • Study Materials – Tutor and Teacher can upload their own study content in the form of Docs and PDFs.
  • Test and Exams – After the end of class, students can take an MCQ type of test to examine their knowledge, and as well as written exams can be conducted by tutors.
  • Results – The Result will be released in the Result Section on the platform automatically as the test ends.

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